



For the third year running, Ferdy on Films, Self-Styled Siren and This Island Rod are hosting the For Love of Film Blogathon. Each year, they select a new cause to donate to and this year they have chosen to collect funds to help exhibit the recently discovered and restored The White Shadow, a film thought lost for decades, that marks Alfred Hitchcock’s debut in cinema. The donations are being given to the National Film Preservation Foundation.

This is Cinema Sight’s first year participating and we’re glad to put together a small contribution to this worthy event. Peter, Tripp and I will be briefly running down our ten favorite Alfred Hitchcock films and what they mean to us. I’ll be posting an article about Hitch’s limited support from the Motion Picture Academy. And we’ll cap it all off with an article by Peter about a few of the five noteworthy Hitch leads who stepped out of the comfortable stereotypes they usually played to deliver some impressive screen work in Hitch’s films.

Every day this week (Monday through Friday), at 9 am central, we’ll post a new article in the Blogathon series. We kick things off in one hour with the first set of films that mark our ten favorite in the Hitch canon.

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