




Poster #2

Additional posters can be found below.

Trailer Link

Release Date:

March 13, 2015


From IMDb: “The story of “Cinderella” follows the fortunes of young Ella whose merchant father remarries following the tragic death of her mother. Keen to support her loving father, Ella welcomes her new stepmother Lady Tremaine and her daughters Anastasia and Drizella into the family home. But, when Ella’s father suddenly and unexpectedly passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of a jealous and cruel new family. Finally relegated to nothing more than a servant girl covered in ashes, and spitefully renamed Cinderella since she used to work in the cinders, Ella could easily begin to lose hope. Yet, despite the cruelty inflicted upon her, Ella is determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to “have courage and be kind.” She will not give in to despair nor despise those who abuse her. And then there is the dashing stranger she meets in the woods. Unaware that he is really a prince, not merely an employee at the Palace, Ella finally feels she has met a kindred soul. It appears as if her fortunes may be about to change when the Palace sends out an open invitation for all maidens to attend a ball, raising Ella’s hopes of once again encountering the charming “Kit.” Alas, her stepmother forbids her to attend and callously rips apart her dress. But, as in all good fairy tales, help is at hand as a kindly beggar woman steps forward and, armed with a pumpkin and a few mice, changes Cinderella’s life forever.”

Poster: C+ / B / C / C / C

Review: (#1) If you watch the teaser and look at the poster, you’re going to notice a motif that won’t be isolated in familiarity to a cobbler. It does what it needs to for a film still 9 months out from release and that’s sell the fairy tale’s most familiar image.

(#2) Significantly more striking than the teaser from before. It’s not so detailed you take all your time examining them, but it’s plain enough to make you look once and then forget it.

(#3) Simple and somewhat effective, we get to see the step mother and her two daughters, which tie into the film even if not with necessity. (#4) It’s a pretty dress, but that’s about all the poster design has to it. (#5) Perhaps this will appeal to young girls with an idealistic view of love, but it’s a bland poster either way.

Trailer: B / B- / C+

Review: (#1) As much as I dislike teasers that show you nothing of the film itself, this one does a fine job teasing the film. While you quickly realize that you’re looking at a glass slipper, it’s the butterfly motif at the end that really sells my interest in the trailer.

(#2) As much as I want to say the new trailer is more appealing, it’s also less inventive and provides far too many details that you would hope to be surprised by when watching it at the theater.

(#3) The plot is further explored, almost to the point of ruin…if most viewers weren’t already familiar with the story. The choice of music is ill-fitting and distracting.

Oscar Prospects:

Revisionist fairy tale have an uneven history with the Academy, so you have to consider the film for several creative categories, including Production Design and Costume Design, but expect little.


(June 22, 2014) Original
(November 23, 2014) New Trailer (#2) / New Poster (#2)
(February 15, 2015) New Trailer (#3) / New Posters (#3-#5)

Additional Posters

Poster #1Poster #3Poster #4

Poster #5

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