




Poster #1

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Trailer Link

Release Date:

June 26, 2015


From IMDb: “A woman creates an alter ego in hopes of overcoming the trauma inflicted by men in her life.”

Poster: C- / D / C+

Review: (#1) The only design that doesn’t have an obvious vagina symbolism isn’t as captivating as it really should be. Considering the nature of the film, I doubt they could have come up with anything suitable to sell it. Certainly not this. (#2) In the context of the film, it’s satisfactory. As a sad symbol of womanhood, it’s lazy and boring. (#3) Of the designs, this is the best. It’s still highly flawed and all-too-obvious, but it works as best it possibly can and ties best into the film’s crazy weirdness.

Trailer: C

Review: Watching this trailer and trying to figure out what it’s about or what it’s even trying to say is a difficult task. It’s bizarre, unusual and not the least bit fascinating. The only thing that would make the audience want to see it is to figure out what it all means.

Oscar Prospects:



(June 21, 2015) Original

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Poster #2Poster #3

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