




Trailer Link

Release Date:

December 13, 2013


From IMDb: “A father struggles to keep his infant daughter alive in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.”

Poster: B

Review: When the winds blow, helicopters fly and protagonists stand in two feet of standing water. Knowing the premise, I get that this is supposed to represent a Hurricane Katrina story, but it’s not precisely the most engaging design, though putting Paul Walker on it will likely create appeal for a few people.

Trailer: B-

Review: The trailer goes on endlessly after its already established itself. Highlighting ALL of the film’s perils only reduces intrigue, which makes it more difficult for a film to find an audience and afterwards build sufficient buzz to become a surprise success.

Oscar Prospects:

The sympathy factor has led to buzz around Paul Walker’s performance in this film. While it looks like a decent performance, the Academy isn’t in the habit of honoring every posthumous actor out there and considering Walker’s career, the best he can hope for is a segment in the In Memoriam tribute. Oscar won’t bite.


(December 8, 2013) Original

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