




Trailer Link

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From IMDb: “The beautiful wife of a small-town doctor engages in extra marital affairs in an attempt to advance her social status.”

Poster: C+

Review: The violet color is distinctive and draws the viewer in against the backdrops of white, black and red designs out in the marketplace. Unfortunately, the foundation and image in the design aren’t as interesting.

Trailer: B

Review: There’s plenty of sumptuous costuming and period design in this trailer, which will undoubtedly appeal to fans of the style. The trailer plays out like most such films do, but still seems like it might take things to an interesting place.

Oscar Prospects:

The early release won’t help with the Oscars (if it even releases early), but this is the kind of drama that, until the mid-2000’s regularly got nominated for Best Costume Design and frequently Best Production Design. Those days are gone and the competition is too fierce.


(February 22, 2015) Original

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