




Poster #1

Additional posters can be found below.

Trailer Link

Release Date:

May 8, 2015


From IMDb: “Yves Saint Laurent’s life from 1967 to 1976, during which time the famed fashion designer was at the peak of his career.”

Poster: B- / C- / C+ / D

Review: (#1) This is a simple, elegant design that fits perfectly with the designers aesthetics, even if it’s not exceptionally exciting. (#2) A strange, yet colorful choice in poster designs. It’s perhaps too simplistic and requires too much attention to appreciate. (#3) This is a stunning, vibrant design that’s ultimately too simplistic. (#4) We go with the colorful array motif of the prior two designs, but this time it’s employed in a cheap, banal way.

Trailer: B-

Review: For a biopic about a legendary fashion design, this trailer doesn’t seem to sparkle or impress the way it probably should. From everything I hear about the film, it’s pretty damned good, but I’m not sure that’s the impression anyone watching the trailer will take away from it.

Oscar Prospects:



(May 3, 2015) Original

Additional Posters

Poster #2Poster #3Poster #4

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