



Page Revisions:

(September 16, 2018) Original
(October 14, 2018) New Trailer (#2) / New Posters (#2-#4)

Release Date:

November 23, 2018


From IMDb: “A family of small-time crooks take in a child they find on the street.”

Poster Rating: C+ / C / B- / C

Review: (#1) This is how you give a slice of life concept some actual life. Although it’s still a fairly plain design, it’s not less interesting because of it.

(#2) This scene at the beach extols the excitement of the characters, suggesting the familial bond without being terribly interesting. (#3) Employing a traditional Japanese design to the poster using familiar wave designs as a visual replacement for the beach and then thrusting our protagonists into it like design #2, is a superb decision. (#4) The scene seems likely to be from the film and done in a Japanese style, but it doesn’t quite support the tone of the film itself.

Trailer Rating: C+ / B-

Review: (#1) Great word has exited the festival circuit on this film, but the trailer doesn’t quite enliven those high expectations. It still feels like a gentle and modestly appealing drama, but it’s hard to see where the praise is coming from with this particular design.

(#2) Getting deeper into the plot helps the audience prepare for the kind of simple, yet emotionally complex story at play in the film. That some of the establishing shots we get to see feel both real and otherworldly should help draw viewers who are interested in art films more so than commercial efforts.

Oscar Prospects:

It could be a major Oscar player for Best Foreign Language Film, but outside of that, i don’t think it has much chance.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

Poster #4

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