



Page Revisions:

(December 11, 2016) Original
(January 1, 2017) New Trailer (#2) / New Posters (#3-#5)
(March 26, 2017) New Trailer (#3) / New Posters (#6-#7)

Release Date:

March 31, 2017


From IMDb: “A suit-wearing briefcase-carrying baby pairs up with his seven-year old brother to stop the dastardly plot of the CEO of Puppy Co.”

Poster Rating: C / C / C (3) / C+ / C

Review: (#1) This reminds me of Storks a bit too much. It’s corny as hell and not exciting visually. (#2) Another dull-as-dishwater design which barely sells the film’s concept, but not before boring the audience.

(#3-#5) This series of designs is no better or worse than the predecessors.

(#6) With more detail than all of the prior incarnations, this poster wins the day as the most interesting, even if it’s not that impressive. (#7) The entire family is together, but that awful white background, a mainstay of each of these designs, continues to drive any interesting elements of the designs to the background of the viewer’s thoughts.

Trailer Rating: C / C- / C

Review: (#1) There’s little interesting on display here. All the rudimentary elements that have been stumbling blocks for the animators at DreamWorks are on full display here. The film doesn’t look that funny, it doesn’t look that original, and it certainly doesn’t look that interesting. I’m sensing a Storks-level disappointment here, or perhaps even worse.

(#2) A cutesy, over-produced mess from DreamWorks, a company that has steadily declined in its output in recent years. There are few truly humorous gags in the trailer and the production design looks incredibly cheap.

(#3) There’s so little of interest in these trailers that it’s a wonder DreamWorks is even putting its name on this. This looks so hopelessly generic and frequently unfunny that a box office victory would be in contravention of the trailers’ lack of humor. While this third effort is a little more interesting than the prior effort, it’s only on equal footing with the original trailer.

Oscar Prospects:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Trailer #3


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

Poster #4Poster #5Poster #6

Poster #7

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