




Poster #1

Additional posters can be found below.

Trailer Link

Release Date:

April 24, 2015


From IMDb: “An Australian man travels to Turkey after the Battle of Gallipoli to try and locate his three missing sons.”

Poster: C+ / C+ / B- / C / D+ / C-

Review: (#1) Some nice colors, but the backgrounds look cobbled together and ill-fitting with the overall design. (#2) Similar to #1, the colors are a little more toned down, which helps alleviate some of the tedium of the background images. (#3) Perhaps more traditional for major epics, this design blends colors effectively, though the choice of images isn’t ideal. (#4) This uses even fewer interesting images and employs a blander color palette. (#5) This design isn’t really even trying to be interesting or significant.

(#6) This is a more traditional, less exciting design, keeping with the tradition of mass market infantilism.

Trailer: B-

Review: Much of the emotional potential of the film seems absent in this trailer, which focuses on the epic story of a father seeking his missing sons. Ultimately, the trailer doesn’t successfully make the adventure look that interesting or important.

Oscar Prospects:

The advertisements highlight the fact that this film won three Australian Academy Awards, including Best Picture. That suggests the film could be good enough compete, but the April release date suggests otherwise.


(February 15, 2015) Original
(April 19, 2015) New Poster (#6)

Additional Posters

Poster #2Poster #3Poster #4

Poster #5Poster #6

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