



Here’s what happened today in Oscar History.





1894: Mildred Griffiths (55 at death)

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Art Direction (Color)

1896: George Burns (100 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Supporting Actor
     Oscar Nominee: Supporting Actor

1907: Waldon O. Watson (79 at death)

  {6 Noms, 3 Wins}
     Oscar Winner: John A. Bonner Medal, Sci-Tech Award – Type II (Plaque), Sci-Tech Award – Type III (Certificate)
     Oscar Nominee: Sound/Sound Mixing

1911: Emil Newman (73 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Musical Score

1920: Federico Fellini (73 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {12 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Special/Honorary
     Oscar Nominee: Directing, Original Screenplay, Adapted Screenplay, Screenplay, Story and Screenplay

1920: Ely Landau (73 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Documentary Feature

1921: Saul J. Turell (65 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Documentary Short
     Oscar Nominee: Documentary Short

1926: Patricia Neal (84 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Lead Actress
     Oscar Nominee: Lead Actress

1946: David Lynch (71) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {4 Noms, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Directing, Adapted Screenplay

1946: Alex Rose (71)

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Picture


1971: Gilbert M. Anderson (90) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {0 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Special/Honorary

1990: Barbara Stanwyck (82) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {4 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Special/Honorary
     Oscar Nominee: Lead Actress

1993: Audrey Hepburn (63) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {5 Noms, 2 Wins}
     Oscar Winner: Lead Actress, Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award
     Oscar Nominee: Lead Actress


1949: A Letter to Three Wives (68) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {3 Noms, 2 Wins @ 1949 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Winner: Director (Joseph L. Mankiewicz), Screenplay
     Oscar Nominee: Picture, Director (Joseph L. Mankiewicz), Screenplay

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