



Here’s what happened today in Oscar History.





1888: Geza Herczeg (65 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Screenplay
     Oscar Nominee: Original Story, Screenplay

1908: Oscar Millard (82 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Motion Picture Story

1910: David Niven (73 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Lead Actor
     Oscar Nominee: Lead Actor
     Academy Awards Host: 30th-Co, 31st-Co, 46th-Co | 3 times

1917: Raymond Rasch (47 at death)

  {1 Nom, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Drama Score
     Oscar Nominee: Drama Score

1921: Jack Clayton (73 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Directing

1927: Harry Belafonte (88) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {0 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award

1930: John Patrick Hayes (70 at death)

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Live Action Short Film

1934: Joan Hackett (49 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Supporting Actress

1950: Phil Alden Robinson (65) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Adapted Screenplay

1954: Ron Howard (61) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {4 Noms, 2 Wins}
     Oscar Winner: Picture, Directing
     Oscar Nominee: Picture, Directing

1955: Pepe Danquart (60) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Live Action Short Film
     Oscar Nominee: Live Action Short Film

1969: Javier Bardem (46) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {3 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Supporting Actor
     Oscar Nominee: Lead Actor, Supporting Actor

1983: Lupita Nyong’o (32) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Supporting Actress
     Oscar Nominee: Supporting Actress


1948: Vernon L. Walker (53) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {4 Noms, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Special Effects

1952: Gregory La Cava (59) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Directing

1980: Nino Oliviero (62) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Original Song

1987: John Ferno (73) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Live Action Short Film

2007: Harold Michelson (87) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Art Direction/Production Design


1931: East Lynne (84) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Noms, 0 Wins @ 1930/31 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Nominee: Picture

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