




Trailer Link

Release Date:

December 12, 2014


From IMDb: “A widowed single mother, raising her violent son alone, finds new hope when a mysterious neighbor inserts herself into their household.”

Poster: C (2)

Review: (#1 & #2) These two designs are almost perfectly identical, the only difference being the scone poster trying to highlight the film’s submission to the Academy Awards, which won’t necessarily mean much to many.

Trailer: B+

Review: A promising begin gives way quickly to a tedious array of close-up images that don’t further the plot or increase the audience’s likelihood of wanting to see the film.

Oscar Prospects:

Xavier Dolan’s film is Canada’s entry to the Oscars, but it may not fit with their traditional selection narrative and may have to be saved by the committee. It could be nominated, but it could just as easily be ignored.


(November 23, 2014) Original

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