




Trailer Link

Release Date:

January 17, 2014


From IMDb: “What happens after Tanner is outed by his classmates and becomes the title “gay best friend” for three high school queen bees?”

Poster: C+ / C

Review: The two posters for this overemphasize the feminine aspects of the film, dressing the protagonists up in unrealistic clothes that look more off-putting than appropriate. Once you see the trailer, you’ll see that these clothes aren’t even that similar to what’s featured in it. Of course, the clothes don’t make the poster, but they are all these designs really have that’s of interest, being so generic.

Trailer: C+

Review: I’m not terribly interested in this film as the High School lecture concept doesn’t have much appeal to me anywhere. However, after the MPAA unfairly assigned this lighthearted comedy an R rating, I felt the need to give it all the support I possibly could. There are elements that might be fun, but a lot of stereotypes seem to be on display here. However, if it reaches out to kids and gets them to rethink their prejudices, I’m all for it.

Oscar Prospects:



(December 22, 2013) Original

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