




Poster #1

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Trailer Link

Release Date:

April 10, 2015


From IMDb: “A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to a secret underwater town.”

Poster: B+ / B / B+

Review: (#1) A Pink Floyd: The Wall kind of motif that sets up a creepy realism that the film may possess. It’s interesting enough to pique an idle moviegoers interest. (#2) This design has a lighter tone, but has a mystical quality that is heavily present in the trailer. (#3) Now we have a slight combination of elements from the first two designs, which makes for an interesting visual experience.

Trailer: B

Review: The reviews have not been kind, but there’s a clear influence from Ryan Gosling’s frequent directing collaborator Nicolas Winding Refn. With this being Gosling’s feature debut, it’s no surprise that there are similarities. So, even if the film isn’t great, it should have a degree of visual and aural panache that should at least keep the viewer interested.

Oscar Prospects:



(April 5, 2015) Original

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