




Week six of our contest has come to a close and it’s one of those weekends where I wanted to say “Duh” (as to which film would top the box office) but didn’t dare. ๐Ÿ™‚ Come back Thursday and submit your votes. Here is the original article and the rules: Summer Box Office Prediction Contest

#1 Film at the U.S. weekend box office

Correct Response: Toy Story 3
Everyone (Mike W, Larry, Sam and Mike Furlong) gets 1 point.

Highest grossing new release with how much

Correct Response: Toy Story 3, $110,307,189
It was tight, but Sam wins the point at $9,692,811 under with his prediction of $120 M. So close was it that with the estimates, Larry was ahead, but as the actuals came in at just over $110M, Sam pulled off the victory by a mere $307,189 margin.


  1. 6 Points – Larry, Mike Furlong, Sam
  2. 3 Points – Mike W
  3. 1 Point – Barry

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