




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(October 12, 2023) Original
(February 18, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#3)

Release Date:

January 1, 2024


From IMDb: “A dutiful damsel agrees to marry a handsome prince, only to find the royal family has recruited her as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt. Thrown into a cave with a fire-breathing dragon, she must rely on her wits and will to survive.”

Poster Rating: C+ / C / C+

Review: (#1, C+) The dragon is a hinted motif of the trailer as well, though there it looms large over the film and while that’s strictly true here, the lack of details as a result makes for a dull design.

(#2, C) The reflection of the dragon in the eye is overused with the stringy hair and dirty face not particularly appealing even if narratively appropriate. (#3, C+) A more action-oriented pose but with no background and cheap affectations to the background and title.

Trailer Rating: B / C+

Review: (#1, B) The narration helps carry the trailer to its conclusion even though the lack of specificity eventually wears out its welcome. The film has a lot of promise and is going to generate some interest, but needs to be more sufficiently refined.

(#2, C+) Revealing more of the film’s plot and its thriller elements only serves to make the film look less interesting than it originally did. Familiar tropes, tedious sequences, and a genuine lack of humor make this stand out as a film you can instantly forget has been made.

Oscar Prospects:

The early release date will likely preclude it from Oscar consideration, but Best Visual Effects could still be possible.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

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