




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(December 24, 2023) Original
(April 21, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#33)
(May 12, 2024) New Posters (#35-#39)

Release Date:

May 17, 2024


From IMDb: “A young girl who goes through a difficult experience begins to see everyone’s imaginary friends who have been left behind as their real-life friends have grown up.”

Poster Rating: C+ / D+ / B- (5) / C (21) / C (5) / C+ / C (4)

Review: (#1, C+) Capturing a scene from the film works mildly, but it has too much of a Monsters, Inc. vibe to be effective.

(#2, D+) Rudimentary and unappealing, the purple critter marking “Blue” as the type of dragon seems like a dumb movie. (#3-#7) These designs are generally similar and they share the same techniques and those are efforts that have some appeal but don’t carry much inventiveness. (#8-#28) A series of character posters that have largely distinctive settings but are generally generic and sometimes ill-fitting individually. (#29-#33) These French posters aren’t terribly different from their English language equivalent character posters, so nothing really to see here.

(#35, C+) Putting all the characters into one poster is a viable effort but the background feels out of place and the characters barely fit together. (#36-#39, C) A continuation of the same series of character posters that lack imagination or inventiveness.

Trailer Rating: B- / C+

Review: (#1, B-) It’s a wonderful collaboration of actors, but the trailer relies on weak jokes and a mediocre concept. That it bears some resemblance to Monsters, Inc. might be a hindrance.

(#2, C+) There isn’t much new in this trailer and some of the humor doesn’t land as well as it should but it has enough cuteness that it should continue to appeal to the original trailer’s target demographic.

Oscar Prospects:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2


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