




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(February 4, 2024) Original
(March 31, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#3)
(April 7, 2024) New Trailer (#3)

Release Date:

April 5, 2024


From IMDb: “An anonymous young man unleashes a campaign of vengeance against the corrupt leaders who murdered his mother and continue to systemically victimize the poor and powerless.”

Poster Rating: C / C / B-

Review: (#1, C) While this film is not for a horror film, it uses the black-and-red palette that has too often been associated with such efforts. Dev’s figure is mostly silhouette except his skin features, which are detailed enough to be distinctive. Unfortunately, there’s nothing much here to tell the viewer what to expect and that won’t draw an audience.

(#2, C) While you get some of the anger, you get none of the action and that’s not going to work well to sell the film. (#3, B-) While this is decidedly better than prior efforts, the art isn’t as captivating though the balance of the design is good. Then empty segments of the background are surprisingly overwhelming despite being minimal.

Trailer Rating: B- / B / C

Review: (#1, B-) For those looking for a new John Wick-style adventure will probably be excited about this deviation on that theme. They even shoehorned in a little dog to make the connection more obvious. That obviousness is what prevents the trailer from feeling unique.

(#2, B) Not focusing as much on plot summary, this second trailer makes the case for a more intriguing film. It appears to be quite a bit more violent than expected but for some that will be a feature, not a bug.

(#3, C) None of the plot is presented in this trailer. It has one interesting fight setup but then devolves into a series of unexciting fights and nothing worth rooting for.

Oscar Prospects:


Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Trailer #3


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

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