




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(May 28, 2023) Original
(October 15, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
(December 17, 2023) New Posters (#3-#10)

Release Date:

December 25, 2023


From IMDb: “Musical adaptation of Alice Walker’s novel about the life-long struggles of an African American woman living in the south during the early 1900s.”

Poster Rating: D / C- / C (8)

Review: (#1, D) There is never a situation where a title and a tagline should be the only elements to your poster design.

(#2, C-) They do a terrific job at making the film look gaudy and limiting its appeal.

(#3-#10, C) This octet of character posters while featuring generally unique poses and sun positions, is perhaps a bit too plain in places and garish in others.

Trailer Rating: B / B+

Review: (#1, B) Keeping the musical interludes minimal, but defined, the trailer does a fine job showcasing the film’s period feel and its passion. A solid start for a film that has a lot riding on its success.

(#2, B+) For one of the last unseen films of the year, a trailer like this goes a long way to setting high expectations for it. Limited presentation of the music helps keep interest high while showcasing some stunning visuals and designs. The acting doesn’t quite look up to snuff and some of the sound is uneven, but it’s certainly one of the most compelling trailers of the year.

Oscar Prospects:

This could either be the biggest flop of the year or the biggest Oscar contender. The notorious 11-nomination flop of Spielberg’s 1985 adaptation will hang heavily in the air over this film, but if it’s even remotely good, it could at least pull put a win where the original did not.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2

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