




It may not be a great comedy, but the trailer sure gives that impression.

A Little Help

Plot Summary: After the death of her husband, a young woman must come to terms with living her life and raising her son alone.
Release Date: June 24, 2011



Rating: C+
Commentary: The vulnerability works quite well, but the rest of the poster is so plain and unexciting that it diminishes the effect.
Rating: A-
Commentary: I was not expecting such a delightful little trailer when I first read the premise. On the surface, this would look to be a common, unexceptional film mirroring a number of other films in the last twenty years, but Jenna Fischer’s natural comic ability enlivens the trailer and I can’t help but want to see what eventually transpires.
Preview Link: CLICK HERE for link to the trailer, more posters (if available) and other commentary not featured here.
Oscar Chances: Comedy is seldom recognized by the Academy and releasing in the Summer will certainly mean Academy members will forget Fischer by Oscar time, but even a well-placed end-of-year release probably wouldn’t have worked considering their lack of enthusiasm towards television actors.

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